Thursday, August 27, 2020
Public Opinion and Media Coverage of Labor Unions Article
General Opinion and Media Coverage of Labor Unions - Article Example Print media, in this manner, can shape new feeling and to impact and settle existing general assessments due to their scope to masses. Along these lines, it ought to be referenced that if media would depict the positive picture of worker's guilds (an intrigue gathering) at that point the open would have positive recognitions, thoughtful mentalities, assessment, and good help. Conversely, if media would enjoy the negative depiction of unionism in the corporate part (either accidental or purposeful) at that point the likelihood of negative general feeling when ould increment (barring patrons as they are least influenced). All things considered, Schmidt’s genuine contention is about the association ent of media in broken inclusion of worker's organizations, which at that point bring about the production of negative mentalities and conclusions about unionism among masses. For example, the independents and non-individuals followed by Republicans are ones who really structure negative suppositions about associations, which is to a great extent dependent on data gave mind boggling news the papers, for example, Times and others and so forth. The case was substantial as it had been measurably demonstrated in the light of results that showed the positive connection between negative media inclusion and unsympathetic popular sentiments. In the wake of investigating the discoveries of Schmidt (1993), Meister (n.d), Puette (1992) and Chermak (1995), I might want to feature that print media for the most part center around inclusion of association debasement and brutal strikes in a sensational way with the g oal that the news gets hot and lures more perusers. What's more, it has been a demonstrated reality (the reference to investigate by referenced creators) that the columnists (during 1970 †1995) have stayed apathetic to quiet and uneventful debate goals. Without a doubt, a reasonable analyzer ought to censure the past disposition of writers since it prompted a depiction of the ly negative side (and one-sided) of work unionism in an exceptionally misrepresented way. Subsequently, the open additionally saw associations as more â€Å"socially lethargic, elitist, nondemocratic and ridden by crime†. Meister (n.d) have called that news is introduced, just to draw in masses, at that point away as though there has been an unavoidable tussle and war among associations and managers/firm proprietors. Truth be told, I would contend that it takes after sensationalist reporting as a result of embellishment and shows included.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown - The Puritans and Love Essay -- Young
Youthful Goodman Brown:â The Puritans and Loveâ â â â â â â â â â â â â â Hawthorne’sâ â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†, uncovered the puritan perspective on affection and connections. In principle, these two dreams are oppositely restricted. One magnifies love as a physical sign between two people (in spite of the fact that it likewise claims to speak to higher beliefs), different considers it to be a profound need, one best showed by connection to God. Indeed, the puritans didn't consider love to be something to be thankful for, but instead as a detestable, a dismal need, that is, they saw physical love (between a man and a lady, or sexuality and all it conveys with it) thusly. The passionate disturbance influencing Goodman Brown plainly communicates this.    The issue we find in this story, and in rigidity, is that it presents differentiating perspectives on affection. Connection to natural belongings, to others truth be told, is debilitated, in light of the fact that everything physical prompts allurement and condemnation, and eventually heck, while the way to salvation of the individual meanders through a profound order, meticulousness, severity. A man ought not cherish his better half more than he adores God; indeed, it is suggested that he not get joy from his significant other, yet rather look for affliction, so as to make up for himself from his natural condition, his tainted state.    This origination of adoration can be followed back to the main sections of the Bible, Genesis. Adam and Eve, in the nursery of Eden, eat the taboo products of the soil everlastingly outsider from heaven, compelled to endure. The puritans contended that, if God wishes us to endure, who are we to conflict with his desires. We are delinquents, on account of the Original Sin, and it was Eve who gav..., it kept the ladies in a crate, it essentially forestalled uprising by ingraining divine dread. In the long run, these thoughts advanced, however we despite everything witness a large number of the eventual outcomes of rigidity in this day and age.    Again, be that as it may, we are confronted with a story, this time composed sometime later, that reveals a negative insight into a philosophy. It appears Nathaniel Hawthorne would not like to underwrite strictness, however censure it, criticize the maltreatment and logical inconsistency it suggested. Again, we discover a work that maligns a set up comprehension of adoration. In the first place, there was restriction to the dignified love convention, presently, we discover resistance to the puritan love belief system. Up until this point, we have just been happy to characterize love by what it wasn't, what we felt was an incorrect method of getting things done.    If an increasingly authoritative answer is to be discovered, it must be found somewhere else. Â
Friday, August 21, 2020
Earn Money Online by PTC (Pay To Click) Networks
Earn Money Finally I should mention about payment system that most of the PTC (Pay To Click) network pay through PayPal and some other online payment solutions but PayPal is not operating in all countries Such as Bangladesh, Pakistan. PayPal banned countries should focus alternative payment solutions. Because after investing your time and effort ultimately you would see the result is zero if you cant receive payment. So first see the all sorts of payout system of PTC network first then decide whether to work or not. Hope through this article you would be able to make extra money beside of your study and not only depend on only one online source of income rather try to adopt all possible way to generate income by best use of all alternatives.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Mental Health An Individual s Psychological And...
Mental health refers to an individual’s psychological and emotional wellbeing (World Health Organisation, 2014). With over 25 million UK residents (Mental Health Foundation, 1999) spending a large majority of their time at work, it is important that concerns for a person’s welfare extend to the workplace. Every year mental health problems, including stress, anxiety and depression affect 1 in 6 British employees (Mental Health Foundation, 1999). Despite this, a Confederation of British Industry (CBI) survey of over 800 companies found that only 1 in 10 of these companies had an official mental health policy (Mental Health Foundation, 1999). Mental health, it appears, is still a taboo subject in the workplace. Studies have shown that†¦show more content†¦In a three-month period, individuals with depression miss an average of 4.8 workdays and suffer 11.5 days of reduced productivity (Ref,), resulting in an estimated 91 million working days being lost every ye ar to mental ill-health (The Mental Health Foundation, 1999). These figures are higher than those resulting from a physical illness or injury. Employers, under UK law have a ‘duty of care’- to protect the health, safety and welfare of their staff (Health and Safety Act, 1984). Therefore, introducing health and wellbeing programmes/interventions will have a positive outcome for employers and employees alike. Research has shown that such measures increase job satisfaction for employees (PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2008), and in turn increases levels of job performance, overall satisfaction and mental health, and reduces sickness absence and staff turnover. For organisations that actively promote good mental health in the workplace, they experience increased efficiencies and profits. Consider the major electricity provider- EDF Energy. â€Å"A workplace audit showed that the company was losing around  £1.4 million in productivity each year as a result of mental ill health among its employees. As part of an Employee Support Programme, the company offered psychological support (cognitive behavioural therapy) to employees and trained over 1000
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Homelessness in Boulder - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 826 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2019/03/26 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Homelessness Essay Did you like this example? Homelessness in Boulder As of January 2017, the average number of homeless people were 550,000 in a night living in the United States of America, including those living in shelters. (MDHI, 2017). We chose this topic because we want to shed a light on the problem of homelessness in the U.S, more specifically Boulder Colorado. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Homelessness in Boulder" essay for you Create order Winters in Boulder Colorado can get very cold, with a low of 18 degrees Fahrenheit. There is a large population of homeless people that live on the streets in Boulder, and because winter is approaching fast, we want to help the homeless community stay warm throughout the long Winter season. On November 12th through November 16th, our group will be putting on a Winter Clothing drive to collect as many winter clothing items as possible before the weather gets too cold. Since we are setting up our clothing drive in November, we are aware that this is during the Holiday season, which will make it more difficult to get the citizens of Boulder to donate their money and time. While most parents are busy buying holiday gifts for their children and finishing up work, we believe it will be easier and more impactful for them to donate the clothing items that they already own. For our Winter Clothing Drive, we will be accepting jackets, hats, gloves, and scarves, in donation boxes, the will set up around the Boulder area outside of the University of Colorado campus. The donation boxes that we will set up will be in association with the Boulder Shelter for the Homeless (BSH), the First Presbyterian Church of Boulder (FPC), and the Pearl Street Mall (PSM). We hope to partner with the se organizations because we believe they can provide us with the best-structured resources to make the biggest impact we can in the Boulder area. In order to find out what is crucial for the homeless living in Boulder during the winter, weve created various survey questions designed to tell us exactly what they need most. For example, one of our survey questions is, What do you need the most for this upcoming winter season?, with the answers well receive from this question, we will be able to find what items we should be focusing on to collect. We are also planning on comparing our collected data from the survey questions to the 2017 PIT Summary for Boulder County. In the PIT Summary, it shows age, gender, ethnicity and how long they have been homeless. Our survey questions will provide us with primary data and will relate to the PIT summary data making it easier to compare our data. There are several devoted and experienced centers in Boulder that donate clothing to the homeless. The organizations such as those listed above continuously collect and distribute clothing. Since we do not have the resources to maintain a clothing drive for more than a week, we will turn in collected clothes to these seasoned non-profits for distribution. As for attracting support for our drive, we can compare our plans to other local clothing drives. According to the CU Coloradan, an alumni magazine, the CU Herd Organization hosts the annual Nearly Naked Mile. In this event, students strip down to undergarments and run across campus, while receiving clothing donations. In 2015, this yielded 1,540 articles of clothing (The Herd, 2015). The Herd uses their numbers and the draw of the theme of Nearly Naked to attract support for their cause. We will reach large numbers of people using various information distribution sources such as posters and Facebook. We will appeal to them using pa thos and logos. We will speak to the citizens of Boulder of the plight of the homeless, and give them statistics like those collected from the homeless themselves. We realize we cant completely solve Boulders homeless current situation with our week-long clothing drive, but we hope to help provide warmer clothes for those sleeping on the streets and increase their holiday spirit and overall attitude. After we execute this project, the people living in Boulder will realize how performing small deeds for the community of homeless people can really change their living situation, their outlook on the rest of society, and their happiness. This project will hopefully change the perspective of some of the population in Boulder and how they give back to some of the less fortunate people living around the city. Bibliography Metro Denver Homeless Initiative, 2017 PIT Summary: Boulder County Report. Boulder, CO: MDHI. ( Accessed on October 11, 2018 The Herd, CU Around: Nearly Naked Mile. Alumni Association, 12 July 2018, Accessed on October 11, 2018 Hombs ME. American Homelessnes: A Reference Handbook. Vol 2nd ed. Santa Barbara, Calif: ABC-CLIO; 1994. Accessed October 11, 2018. Old Farmers Almanac. 2018 Long Range Weather Forecast for Boulder, CO. Old Farmers Almanac, Accessed on October 11, 2018
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Native American Arts - 756 Words
Native Americans treasure one thing in their culture the most; the arts. Native American art is the works created by the natives of North America. Art can come in many forms, but are most present in the visual arts and melodic arts, which can then fall under several categories. Art is considered a symbol of Native American heritage and the overall culture of world art. It has been a major part of their lives for thousands of years. The Native American arts serve the purpose of self-expression, which plays an extensive role in everyday Native American life. Native American art history has been developing for over thousands of years. The arts have a vast deep connection with spirituality and the Earth. It’s a way of life for almost all Native Americans and can be traced back to cave paintings and stonework. Each piece of art is designed to reveal the complexity of the diverse tribes. One of the most popular forms of art is jewelry; it’s heavy in symbolism which makes is more easily accepted. Native Americans are better known for their skills in carving intricate patterns and designs. Often, their inspiration will actually come from the natural world surrounding them. The arts, to the Native Americans, hold more symbolism to them than a lot of the other aspects their culture holds and is a part of. Native American art is created as symbols such as bears, walruses, eagles, and people. Basket and blanket weaving are a very popular form of art, and the Navajo tribe is mostShow MoreRelatedNative American Art And European Art2008 Words  | 9 PagesNative American culture was a great influence on newly introduced western art when settlers first came to North America. Not only did Native Americans have their own style of art, sculpture, basket weaving, and other fine arts. Their artistic styles helped influence some European art and gave them a different outlook on not only art itself, but a brand new culture that they have not seen before. This pa per will talk about the different styles of Native American art and compare it to European artRead MoreNative American Art And The American Culture1252 Words  | 6 PagesNative american culture is packed with many different things. In this paper I will be writing about what I researched and found about Native American art. Native American art is made up of many different forms and techniques. It plays an important role in what makes up native American culture and tradition, some of which is still around today,. In Native American’s daily life was simply not possible without the arts, there are many different types and forms, some common types include painting, basketRead MoreNative American Art Essay618 Words  | 3 PagesArt is a very realistic aspect among the Native Americans. In fact, what we call primitive art is actually symbolic objects from the process of a sacred ceremony. This concept is one not easily understood. Furthermore, this concept by Sam Gill is explained in Native American Religions. Sam Gill shows that Native American Art is different in meaning because of its contents then what modern societies consider art. Nonliterate people produce objects of beauty through ceremonial performances and ritualsRead MoreNative American Art : Understanding Native Oral Traditions3428 Words  | 14 PagesNative American Art: Understanding Native Oral Traditions Princess Edobor ARHI 367 In our world today there are many books and computer hard drives filled with the most current world histories. However, unlike the people of the west, the Native Americans did not keep chronological record of their past history.11 Since the Native Americans have no written histories, most of the history about their past come to us in form of stories passed down from their ancestors through generations. In order forRead MoreNative American Art Of Navajo Blanket Weaving Essay2218 Words  | 9 PagesNative American Art of the Navajo-Blanket Weaving Ingrid Anderson Governors State University Native American Art of the Navajo-Blanket Weaving Native Americans are the indigenous people of the North American continent and the cultural traditions and art forms are unique to these regional groups. The people in these groups have several names and the first adopted name Indian by Spanish explorers proved erroneous, however, now accepted names include either American Indian or Native American.Read MoreNative American Art : A Modern Artist Kent Monkman1530 Words  | 7 Pages The history of European presence on the North American continent is tragic and violent for the indigenous peoples. Though Europeans brought with them horses and materials, such as cotton that were more easier to work with than animal hides, ultimately Euro-Americans took more than they ever gave. Native American art shows some of that battle to retain their identity as people under the marginalization Euro-Americans. That marginalization has happened from the first exposure of Europeans to NorthRead MoreNative Peoples: Learning About The Extensive Native American Culture691 Words  | 3 PagesNative Peoples Magazine, which was published in the year 1987, is an American Indian magazine that is distributed bi-monthly with the cost of $19.95 for 6 issues or $36.00 for 12 issues. The goal of this magazine is to reach out to people all around the world. Native Peoples Magazine portrays the arts and lifestyles, Native American artists, cooks, fashion designers, and their culture. The ma gazine can be used as a travel guide for many people. According to the Mailing List Finder of Native PeoplesRead MoreSeminar On Art Theory Themes Throughout Contemporary Art1221 Words  | 5 Pagesin Art Theoryâ€â€Themes in Contemporary Art Dr. Laura Myers Native Artists, Identity Defined and Redefined. Luiseno Native artist James Luna’s performance of, The Artifact Piece (1987) confronts anthropological museums in their post-colonial precepts of the Indian â€Å"other†. In the performance of The Artifact Piece, Luna shares with the viewer that he himself is a living human artifact. Bringing into question why institutions as such continue to perpetuate and objectify Native IndigenousRead MoreThe Denver Art Museum Architecture1690 Words  | 7 Pages The Denver art Museum, a very strange looking building at first sight. Well I guess the question to ask is strange to what? Because everything is relative. So the Denver art museum architecture is very different relative to the buildings around it. To me it looks like an explosion of shapes, Boxes and triangles and wedge shaped objects flying from the center of creativity. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Emotional Intelligence Case Study Free-Samples for Students
Questions: 1.Describe what you think is the best way to respond to the Store Managers behaviour. Describe how you would Model Positive leadership behaviour. 2.Provide at least two examples of possible Misinterpretations of expressions or behaviour that may arise in the context of a diverse Workforce. 3.Describe how you would set aside your own Emotions to focus on and Identify how the Employee (probably) feels. Refer to relevant Principles of Emotional Intelligence. 4.Describe the relationship between Emotionally Effective People and the attainment of Business Objectives. Answers: 1.The public image of any business is very deterministic to a number of customers consuming their products and the profit margin in general (Casemore, 2016). When sales volume decreases, there are many factors which may have affected the market. The factors include; change of taste by customers, availability of better and quality products in the market which are substitutes of products you may be dealing with (Bloomfield, 2014). A weak economy which may affect cash flow in the market making money unavailable, poor customer contact hence losing customers to competitors who give customers good contact and address issues raised by customers in time and many others. The principle of emotional intelligence that the manager lacked is action-based emotional intelligence; he did not see himself in the failure, hence excluded himself by blaming others (Bloomfield, 2014). I think and feel that the manager acted in a rude manner since the fall in sales is not the failure of departmental manager s but all players in the hardware where the manager is inclusive. Instead of harassing the members of management, he should have called for a meeting before the end of the financial year to raise concerns about the decreasing volume of sales, and forge the way forward for the better (Bloomfield, 2014). The pressure he is imposing on the department manager will kill their job morale and even worsen the situation. The confidence is destroyed since the manager is intimidating employees at the end of the financial year. The employees will internalize that their efforts and hard work were all in vain as the manager is blaming them for the poor performance wherein the real sense he could be the one who has failed the store. The store manager used dictatorship to correct the mess of low sales. The morale of workers will significantly reduce. No one enjoys working under such harsh conditions which the staff is subjected to raise amount of sales. Its self-evident that the performance will fa ll or even the store may collapse since some of departmental managers have decided to quit. Though quitting managers may be replaced, their successors lack the experience they have thus poor store performance. 2.All human being are not equal, and each has their traits which are distinct from the other (Collins O'Rourke, 2009). They should, therefore, appreciate each other the way they are. We are never civilized till that time when we will learn to co-exist with others irrespective of their culture, race, ethnic background, physical appearance and level of education (Collins O'Rourke, 2009). Some of the possible misinterpretations that workers may perceive from people from difference cultures include pride, social status, work styles, education or disability. I will explain to the employee that there is no superior culture over another and to avoid conflict grounded on culture; we should first appreciate our diversity and think beyond our cultural limitations (Collins O'Rourke, 2009). By so doing, we would have overcome our backward retrogressive disputes and live in harmony. Cultural awareness can be done through helping employees learn other culture and by doing away with any negative pr econceived ideas about a given culture to give room to discover about their colleagues culture. 3.Indeed its embarrassing when you pump all your efforts to help someone yet they fail to appreciate it. As a manager, you believe that by motivating your staff through events like team building activities and workshops, the output will significantly improve (Casemore, 2016). In such a case where an employee willingly fails to attend such events but his scorecards are good, then I have to put aside my fury against him to investigate why hes declining to participate (Trevithick, 2016). Since I know that sometimes force does not work, I will let reason prevail. I will opt to have dinner with him in a serene environment then after eating to our satisfaction; I will jokingly and indirectly ask him why he does not consider attending those events. I think by so doing I would have gathered all necessary information which I would not get if I do it forcefully. Human dignity is something as a manager I will accord utmost importance (Salvendy, 2016). I will ensure that I understand the strengt hs and weaknesses of each employee such that when assigning them duties, they dont feel suppressed for I will assign them where they are best in. I will also seek their views on how they feel certain areas should be handled such that I can accommodate them when reviewing different structures in the business. 4.Success in any business enterprise is the sum of all efforts from the junior most employee to the senior most employee hence they all command respect from colleagues (Trevithick, 2016). When there is respect for others opinions at the workplace, workers can bond, and this will breed a working environment in which workers help each other in performing their duties hence the productive capacity of the store will increase. On the contrary, when opinions of worker are not respected then their morale is killed and may resign or work recklessly a matter which will spoil the image of the business. In accommodating the views of workers in implementing ideas in the firm, employees will feel part of the firm and hence work as if they own the business (Bloomfield, 2014). In setting up and making decisions for instance targets which should be met by employees, the probability of attaining the target should be considered. This is because in case the target is unattainable then workers may perceive this as a strategy of sending them away rather than increasing the sales of the store. Thus decision making should be reasonable and fair to employees. Some of the policies that need to be considered for the smooth running of any business organization include; consulting with staff members before implementing new policies, management should support their staff and help them settle whenever they have issues, clearly defining and stating terms and policies of the business. All these policies should be under the guidelines of Occupational Health Safety guidelines where any hazards and risks in the work environment should be accessed, and necessary measures are taken to avoid accidents and contracting infections at the workplace (Salvendy, 2016). References Salvendy, G. (2016).Handbook of industrial engineering: Technology and operations management. New York, NY [u.a.: Wiley. (Mayhew, 2017) (Freedman, 2017) Trevithick, P. (2016).Social work skills: A practice handbook. Maidenhead: Open University Press. Bloomfield, D. (2014).Reconciliation after violent conflict: A handbook. Stockholm: Int. IDEA. Gordon, I. (2012).Beat the competition: How to use competitive intelligence to developwinning business strategies. Oxford, UK: B. Blackwell. Casemore, S. (2016).Operational empowerment: Collaborate, innovate, and engage to beatthe competition. Collins, S. D., O'Rourke, J. S. (2009).Managing conflict and workplace relationships. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning. Freedman, J. (2017, 04 29). Six Seconds. Retrieved from The Emotional Inteligency Network: Mayhew, R. (2017, 04 29). Chron. Retrieved from Small Business:
Friday, April 10, 2020
Waiting for Godot Persuasive Essay Example For Students
Waiting for Godot Persuasive Essay Going to see Joseph Chaikins production of Waiting for Godot at Seven Stages in Atlanta, I found myself wondering what effect the directors own divine aphasia would have on the fundamental sounds of this cornerstone of contemporary theatre. Chaikin has long had a love hate relationship with Becketts work. While hes been repeatedly drawn to it as actor and director, he has usually found himself enervated after the work, and at times questioned the morality of producing nihilistic texts in a society where hope is already a rare commodity. One walks out with a little less, he once said about the audiences experience of Endgame. We will write a custom essay on Waiting for Godot Persuasive specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The Seven Stages Godot (which traveled to The Hague as part of the International Samuel Beckett Festival in April) is a traditional one. The usual suspects are there: the tree, the mound, a boy, two pairs of men in bowlers trapped in the performance of endless clown acts. Chaikin has always been concerned with Becketts musicality, and has stuck closely, although not blindly, to the authors score. The result is the most accessible Godot I have seen, one that, like Becketts own directorial work, sacrifices neither humor nor nihilism at the others expense. At the heart of this production is Del Hamiltons Didi. Hamilton, Seven Stages artistic director, makes Didi into an agnostic Holy Fool, whether he is daintily hopping over Luckys rope or deciding that Tell him that you saw me is a sufficient report to Godot. This Didi is obviously aware that the fix is on when the Boy returns at the end of the second act. As the lights fade, and They do not move, Hamilton casts his eyes heavenward, a gesture that both pleads for deliverance and reveals the endurance of a contemporary Prometheus. Didi is the true protagonist of this Godot, carrying the burden of memory through Becketts wasteland. Next to him, Don Finneys Gogo is a live-action cartoon, blissfully forgetful of all thats come before, although the gesture that marks his response to Were waiting for Godot (right forefinger in the air, with a smile to the audience) seems increasingly less confident. This is a production of Godot extremely aware of the audience. Chaikin has always stressed the vaudeville aspects of Beckett and the mutual awareness between actor and audience: The characters in his Godot inhabit a liminal space between performer and character. Is it Didi or Del Hamilton who implores the audience Will this night never end? After Luckys (Rick Rogers) surprisingly lovely dance no hard stool this is greeted with applause, is it Didi, Gogo and Pozzo glaring at the audience until the applause stops, or Hamilton, Finney and John Purcell? While this sort of thing could descend into mugging, it doesnt, because the actors in Godot, especially Hamilton and Rogers, maintain contact with that sense of astonishment Chaikin calls for in his book The Presence of the Actor. As a result, Waiting for Godot possesses the wise innocence that has characterized Chaikins best work through his career. This wise innocence is the productions great strength. Becketts form has lost much of its original novelty after 40 years. The urge to break down our sense of familiarity with Beckett lies behind many conceptual productions. Compared with MTV, Holly Hughes or Nicholson Baker, Godot seems almost conventionally narrative. Chaikin takes the opposite tack. He revitalizes our experience of Godot by acknowledging the familiarity. His Gogo and Didi inhabit the world we consciously live in, whether our personal Godot is God, love, a sane society or merely faith in politics (writing this, the headline Waiting for Perot on the national edition of the Washington Post is a reminder how much Beckett permeates our collective self-image). .uacf58e5f096ab297006635b2973317f8 , .uacf58e5f096ab297006635b2973317f8 .postImageUrl , .uacf58e5f096ab297006635b2973317f8 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uacf58e5f096ab297006635b2973317f8 , .uacf58e5f096ab297006635b2973317f8:hover , .uacf58e5f096ab297006635b2973317f8:visited , .uacf58e5f096ab297006635b2973317f8:active { border:0!important; } .uacf58e5f096ab297006635b2973317f8 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uacf58e5f096ab297006635b2973317f8 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uacf58e5f096ab297006635b2973317f8:active , .uacf58e5f096ab297006635b2973317f8:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uacf58e5f096ab297006635b2973317f8 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uacf58e5f096ab297006635b2973317f8 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uacf58e5f096ab297006635b2973317f8 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uacf58e5f096ab297006635b2973317f8 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uacf58e5f096ab297006635b2973317f8:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uacf58e5f096ab297006635b2973317f8 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uacf58e5f096ab297006635b2973317f8 .uacf58e5f096ab297006635b2973317f8-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uacf58e5f096ab297006635b2973317f8:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Alien nation: an interview with the playwright EssayThis is not a perfect production some of the turns lack a definite end, as if the characters have just stopped, rather than been abandoned by their own thoughts, and Finney and Purcell occasionally push too hard but it is one capable of giving power and energy and faith, as Athol Fugard wrote of Beckett. Or, to paraphrase Chaikin, one walks out of Waiting for Godot with a little more.
Monday, March 9, 2020
JAPAN INC essays
JAPAN INC essays In 1960 Japan was ruled by the conservative LDP. Nabuski Kitchie ran the LDP, a man who had been jailed as a war criminal during the occupation. His comeback can be attributed to his pre-war contacts in big business. Kitchie believed to survive Japans economy had to grow. I order to do so Japan's businesses had to be disciplined. Kitchie gave directives to the ministry to pass on to the heads of big business. These directives were much like orders from a general. Some Japanese people began to rebel against the growing central control the nation was taking. They feared that democracy was being overridden for the sake of economic prosperity. Other groups began to voice opinions regarding the direction they felt Japan should move in. There were many forces pulling at Japan, political demonstrations, walkouts and strikes in Japans largest industries. This was a time of crisis in modern Japanese history. The Japanese had signed a treaty with the United States, which scattered military bases and nuclear weapons throughout Japan. Fearing the United States would use Japan as a battleground for the Cold War, they were against the renewing of the treaty. Kitchie however, believed with the Americans responsible for their national security, they could use their resources to build their economy. Kitchie met with President Eisenhower and assured him the treaty would be passed by the time of his visit to Japan. Fearing the protests could affect the passing of the treaty Kitchie used his power in nefarious ways to insure the passing of the treaty. As a final attempt to stop the passing of the treaty, the Socialist politicians tried to barricade the speaker in his chambers to prevent the vote. Kitchie sent in troops to escort the speaker to the Diet Chamber to proceed with the vote. Because there were no Socialists in the Chamber at the time of the vote the treaty was ratified. Upon hear ing the ...
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 5
Case study - Essay Example The stress may have been one of the results as to why she contracted bipolar disorder. According to McDonald 2005 stress situations have been known to trigger bipolar disorder especially for those people who have a genetic vulnerability. The stress might have been as a result of the work environment which was not very conducive. Catherine did not have the courage to reveal that she was suffering from a dipolar disorder. This made the situation even worse since it added to her stress. Deciding on what step to take was the most difficult situation for her and it actually amplified her stress. She did not want to leave the job since it was the only source of living for her, her husband and their child. On the other hand, she was afraid to tell the manager that she was suffering from the condition since she feared she might be promoted again. Further, resigning was also a difficult action for her having witnessed how people who had resigned before had been treated by the managers. All th ese situations became too much for Catherine and her condition did not improve, instead it worsened. Catherine was lacking of self- confidence; she did not have self- esteem and did not even have the courage to talk about her situation. ... Self –disclosure is not easy and in most cases is â€Å"it depends on the relationship that exist between the involved parties and the trust they have for each other†(Hargie, 2011). Self-disclosure has a number of benefits and it has some risks as well. For instance, in some cultures, self –disclosure is an important element in a relationship. For two people to form a kind of a relationship, they must know one another (Schwartz, Galliher & Domenech, 2011). Therefore, if Catherine discloses herself to the management, there is a possibility that the relationship will improve (Corrigan, Kosyluk & Rusch, 2013). The management will understand her situation and therefore they will be likely to do what they can so as to help Catherine. Her working environment will improve since the management will provide her with what she needs to recover. She might be given an extended leave to go and rest and this might be important to improve the situation. Self –disclosure is likely to help Catherine in positive development and this will be beneficial considering her condition. According to Maata and Uusiautti (2013), communication is important is it improves the status of any form of relationship. This could also be applicable in the relationship between Catherine and the rest of the workers in the organization as well as with the managers. The workers have been seen to discuss her since her return to work and also make smiles about her. This has affected her relationship with them and it is only through self-disclosure that the situation is likely to improve. She will be better positioned to manage the situation. Self –disclosure on the other hand might be risky. It is not always one will be appreciated when they talk to others about themselves. Self- disclosure may lead
Thursday, February 6, 2020
China's Renminbi Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
China's Renminbi Paper - Essay Example This paper will discuss whether the China’s currency stands overrated, and give reasons behind its low value against the US dollar. It will also point out the likely consequences that rise with a 20% revaluation of China. Question 1: Value of China’s currency China’s currency familiarizes itself with many sanctions. This proves the currency to be different from other currencies like the US dollar, with considerations to capital flow (Saturn, 2008). In 2005, China felt pressure being mounted on her concerning its currency. This made China to unwillingly make changes to its exchange rate policy. Critics claim that China’s currency is overvalued. Their reasoning is that China’s government is decisively maintaining the value to make huge profits from trade. The currency’s recent rate floats between thin bands around a published equivalence in opposition to a basket of other currencies. If its equivalence acts to be too cheap, then China’s currency stands at a high value; the National Bureau of Economic Research quotes that: "once putting together vague plus serial links which they take accountability for, there is small numerical proof that China’s currency is overvalued." When currency rates at a high value, it portrays the countries willingness to take part in foreign trade, at the current exchange rate. This puts China in a position of selling more goods with its currency than they can purchase with a corresponding sum of US dollar. Undervaluing the currency makes exporting goods from China cheaper and allows them to control a large trade surplus with the US. Also, it depicts China as an economical country to locate labor and manufacture goods. This leads to the decision that China’s currency it not overvalued. Question 2: Reasons behind the currency’s low value against the dollar The currency’s current value against the US dollar stands at around 2%. This means that 8 RMB is equivalent to 1 dollar. This, in the view of the US government, rates the currency to be lowly placed. China decided to absorb foreign currencies into circulation, the funds, mainly invested in US Treasury bonds. This brought a secured but low-return investment. It also followed an accumulation of US dollars around 1 trillion in foreign investment in 2007. The main reason behind China’s decision to place its currency at a low value circulates around what it stands to benefit from its trade partners; these being the likes of US. Through exports to US, with the current value of China’s currency, China gains more through sells. This comes with its own risks because it stirs the feeling of exploitation to US (Saturn, 2008). China takes the risk of facing harsh sanctions and tariffs from US. If the exchange rate instability goes up, then the value of these assets would also become unstable. The increased instability of financial trade puts pressure to the steadiness of the financial system, and makes monetary policy objectives much difficult to reach. US, on the other hand stands to be exploited with China which seeks to benefit from it. The value of the dollar stands to go down because of low market deficit. Question 3: Risk of the 20% revaluation for China’s currency The government of China in the recent days has engaged in ideas of revaluation of its currency. It main idea revolves around investing abroad. China’s main trading partners are not only western countries. It also trades with Japan, and other Asian and
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Women and feminism raised in The Handmaids Tale Essay Example for Free
Women and feminism raised in The Handmaids Tale Essay Margaret Atwoods novel The Handmaids Tale was written in 1986 when the feminist movement was happening, the word feminism is hard to really define into one term but it is usually recognised as meaning equal rights for women. The first wave of feminism happened in the 19th century and this was about sexual division in the workplace then the second wave of feminism started in 1960s and this was known as the Womens Liberation Movement this aimed to create a women centred world by making their voices heard through the demonstrations such as burning pornography (which Offreds mother was a part of. ) In this essay I will be concentrating on the women and the issues of feminism in the handmaids tale. In the society of Gilead the women are grouped into categories concerning their age, fertility and their marital status. Although these women do have their own separate roles in the regime they all share the same theme which involves staying within the household. Such as the Marthas who are responsible for the domestic side who keep the house clean and tend to the cooking where as the handmaids have only one specific role and that is to reproduce they are known as only womb on legs to give birth to children for the commanders wives who are unable to have children and their role is to raise these children after they are born. We can see that handmaids are like shadows amongst the house quiet and replaceable as Rita claims about the last handmaid She didnt work out showing that they are treated as products that can be easily replaced if they dont work out for the purchaser the handmaids are just like property and this is shown in their names such as OF-FRED they belong to the commander of the household although their role is one of the most important in this patriarchal system they are however not treated this way, they are treated as one of the lowest class. Even the roles of the commanders wives have little importance they are given trivial meaningless tasks such as tending to the gardens as this is their domain which they can control and care for maybe a replacement for the children, they also knit scarves for the Angels upfront however Offred claims that Maybe its something to keep the wives busy, to give them a sense of purpose. There is also the role of the aunts which could also be seen as very important as well because it is these older women who brainwash these teachings into the handmaids to let them fulfil their duties. The womens roles are also represented in the colour of the clothes they wear for the Marthas it is green for the commanders wife it is blue and lastly the handmaids wear a red nun-like uniform where the red represents their function suggesting the blood of the menstrual cycle and giving birth to a child, the colour can also represent their imprisonment in the Gilead society the colour of blood, which defines us. The roles of the women are very dependent on their relationship with the men in the regime and their ability to have children which effectively steals the womens individual identity being categorised gives the society much more control over them. The colour of their clothing makes the women easy to recognise which group they belong to, dehumanising them completely treating them more like machines than human beings. It could be seen as some kind of sisterhood with the different roles that the women play and how they co-operate with each other because this could be seen as a feminist world with women appreciating their roles and helping the other women however the use of the roles of women just creates more power for the regime as having a hierarchy of women just creates conflict amongst them so they dont really see the true enemy which are the men. Womens status before Gilead was completely different, women were allowed to have education Psychology, English, Economics. We studied things like that, then. Giving them a chance to have a career of their own, which earn them their own money allowing them to have choice of what they wanted to buy. Women had much more independence allowing them to think for themselves and make the choices they wanted which I will elaborate on later. There were women who were feminists in the time before, fighting for their rights and having a voice to rebel against the treating of women because in them days they were seen as sex objects but in a different light through pornography magazines or by seeing them in certain outfits which screamed out sexuality, Offred remembers this because when she walks away from the guard at his post she purposely sways her hips knowing that the guards are staring after her in a sexual sense. However now the status of women in Gilead is defined by their ability to reproduce, they are treated as objects, all their rights have been stripped away from them they are denied an education, not allowed to have a job, they cannot vote and they are banished from writing or reading. What I put into them: my own clothes, my own soap, my own money, money I had earned myself. They have no family or possessions they dont even have their own identity as they are mentioned only with their male owner even the wives are only known through their title as the commanders wife. Rebellion and independence is not in the question, the women should never undermine the men or act against the system of the society the only thing that a woman is worth is for the use of her reproductive system and their only job they have is the function they must perform. The body that women once used to express their sexuality, the body they used to feel comfortable in which defined who they were as a person has now become the thing they are now afraid and ashamed of My nakedness is strange to me already. My body seems outdated. They are ashamed of their body because it is now what defines them and keeps them trapped in this wretched society. Although it is the Aunts that have achieved high status as it is up to them to show the handmaids their new way of life and the rules they must abide by, it could be seen that these women have some power of the handmaids but they are not permitted guns like the men do which shows that although the Aunts do have a powerful role with authority it is still men that obtain the ultimate power because women cannot be trusted with guns.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Effects Of Creatine Essay -- essays research papers
The Effects of Creatine      Creatine has been used in sports throughout time. Athletes have always had a fascination with being excellent at what they do. With the banning of steroids from competitive sports and the implementation of random drug testing in most sports, most athletes are still somehow hoping to gain an edge on their competition. This edge that they are using is creatine.      In order to understand how creatine works, we must discover what creatine is. Creatine is an energy producing nutrient found in our bodies. It is synthesized from three amino acids arginine, glycine and methionine. These amino acids are primarily found in the liver, pancreas, and kidneys. It is also consumed in our everyday diets from fish, meat and other animal products. Creatine is not considered an essential nutrient in our diets. In general, we consume approximately one gram of creatine per day in our diets (      Creatine helps provide the energy our muscles need to move, especially movements that are quick and explosive. Approximately ninety five percent of the body’s creatine supply is found in the skeletal muscles ( The other five percent is spread throughout the body, but mainly found in the heart, brain and testes. Creatine is easily absorbed from the intestinal tract into the blood stream.      Creatine was first discovered in 1832 by a French scientist, Cevreul. In 1847, it was noticed that the meat from foxes killed in the wild had ten times more creatine than meat from inactive foxes. The conclusion from this was that creatine accumulates in muscles due to physical activity. It was discovered in the early twentieth century that not all creatine consumed was excreted in the urine, but in fact, stored in the body. In 1912, researchers found that ingesting creatine can dramatically boost the creatine content of muscle. Fiske and Subbarow discovered creatine phosphate in 1927, and determined that creatine is a key player in the metabolism of skeletal muscle. Most studies focusing on creatine and sports performance have only been done since the early 1990’s (      When we use our muscles everyday we use oxygen to make energy. This energy is created by breaking... ...rity. It claims to increase muscle strength and to delay fatigue, allowing athletes to train harder and longer. Companies promoting creatine supplements also claim that creatine can help burn fat and increase muscle mass. Annual sales of creatine in the United States alone are well over $100 million (Performance Enhancing Substances). Although creatine use in athletes is expected to increase because it is not on the list of banned substances as of yet, it is possibly going to be banned from professional sports, as well as NCAA sports, as early as next year.      I feel like creatine is great and should not be banned. How are athletes going to gain a competitive edge without a supplement that will allow their muscles to train harder? I have used creatine and I am still currently using creatine. I have seen the gains in muscle mass already only after two weeks of taking creatine. Drinking plenty of water is the key. As long as you take creatine as suggested, there should be no problems. There are no known serious side effects, therefore, I don’t think that creatine should be banned. Creatine is a great supplement for athletes to gain that competitive edge!
Sunday, January 12, 2020
What Can Parents Do to Protect Children from the Bad Influence of Television Violence?
Television can be a powerful influence in developing value systems and shaping behavior in the developing children’s mind. Unfortunately, much of today's television programming has a highly explicit violent content. Numerous studies has been conducted on the effect television violence has on children and adolescence, and all of it shows negative feedbacks. Children tend to develop emotional numbness to all the horror seen on the screen, and gradually accept violence as a norm and a way to solve problems. Parents can protect their children by engaging them in different after school programs, paying attention to the television their children are watching and try to block some channels showing inappropriate content. One of the most disturbing facts of modern life is the abundance of wasted time spent watching mindless television programs. Children who spend more time in front of the television are more susceptible to all the violence in the media, and not only that they grow to be more aggressive, but also more passive. One way to avoid that is to involve the kid into different after school activities like arts and crafts programs or outdoor sports. Extracurriculars let the children enjoy themselves in a fun, stress-free environment, get some exercises, and make friends outside of school instead of being trapped at home alone with the only source of entertainment, the TV. It is a proven fact that television and media content are affecting how children and teens perceive the world around them. One way to help ease the negative effect of it is to help them understand what is wrong and what not. Parents should be aware of what children are watching, and if there is something violent and upset them, it is important to help them through that. Although the violent content, television can offer some very valuable educational programs as well, which could open doors to new fields of knowledge, when viewed responsible and sensibly. That is why parents should not eliminate the television, just get involved into what the child is watching, and explain why violent and the explicit is not worth watching. Parents can not control what children are doing, or watching every second of the day, that is why many parents rely on some sort of channel blockers. By restricting access to certain channels with violent and explicit language, parents can keep the unwanted content away from the eyes of their children. Childproofing the cable television is one of the best ways to keep the kids away of television violence, but yet it does not guarantee that the kids are protected. The control of the parents over their viewing time and content is most important of all. Television has become more violent in content in the recent years. Although the media experts are trying to market the explicit content, there are still should be some limits and restriction on what has to be shown on the big screen and what not. Until that happens, parents are the only regulators of that content and as so, they have the right to rule the remote control in their living room.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Basic Assumptions of Economics
A basic assumption of economics begins with the combination of unlimited wants and limited resources. We can break this problem into two parts: Preferences: What we like and what we dislike.Resources: We all have limited resources. Even Warren Buffett and Bill Gates have limited resources. They have the same 24 hours in a day that we do, and neither is going to live forever. All of economics, including microeconomics and macroeconomics, comes back to this basic assumption that we have limited resources to satisfy our preferences and unlimited wants. Rational Behavior In order to simply model how humans attempt to make this possible, we need a basic behavioral assumption. The assumption is that people attempt to do as well as possible for themselvesâ€â€or, maximize outcomesâ€â€as defined by their preferences, given their resource constraints. In other words, people tend to make decisions based on their own best interests. Economists say that people who do this exhibit rational behavior. The benefit to the individual can have either monetary value or emotional value. This assumption does not necessarily mean that people make perfect decisions. People may be limited by the amount of information they have (e.g., It seemed like a good idea at the time!). As well, rational behavior, in this context, says nothing about the quality or nature of peoples preferences (But I enjoy hitting myself on the head with a hammer!). Tradeoffsâ€â€You Get What You Give The struggle between preferences and constraints means that economists must, at their core, deal with the problem of tradeoffs. In order to get something, we must use up some of our resources. In other words, individuals must make choices about what is most valuable to them. For example, someone who gives up $20 to buy a new bestseller from is making a choice. The book is more valuable to that person than the $20. The same choices are made with things that dont necessarily have monetary value. A person who gives up three hours of time to watch a professional baseball game on TV also is making a choice. The satisfaction of watching the game is more valuable than the time it took to watch it. The Big Picture These individual choices are only a small ingredient of what we refer to as our economy. Statistically, a single choice made by a single person is the smallest of sample sizes, but when millions of people are making multiple choices every day about what they value, the cumulative effect of those decisions is what drives markets on national and even global scales. For example, go back to the single individual making a choice to spend three hours watching a baseball game on TV. The decision is not monetary on its surface; its based on the emotional satisfaction of watching the game. But consider if the local team being watched is having a winning season and that individual is one of many choosing to watch games on TV, thus driving up ratings. That kind of trend can make television advertising during those games more appealing for area businesses, which can generate more interest in those businesses, and it becomes easy to see how collective behaviors can start to have a significant impact. But it all starts with small decisions made by individuals about how best to satisfy unlimited wants with limited resources.
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